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How are you? I'm getting by.

I thought of how challenging life can be and how often we can say things like, "I'm getting by, or I'm just trying to get by." What does it mean to get by? What do we try to get by or around? Or does getting by mean keeping one's focus or purpose while facing life's challenges?

If getting by means living in such a way to avoid rocking the boat in an attempt to feel ok, does that feel ok? It sounds like we have more potential than we are allowing to flow through as if there isn't enough room or space for personal inspiration when so many others are requiring space and energy. We certainly don't see the dandelions holding back from sprouting in a sea of grass. There's room.

Suppose getting by or around means trying to avoid the feeling and experience of life's challenges; that never works. Avoiding often leaves us suffering silently, and complaining is yet another avoidance of genuine emotion. The most efficient way is through to the heart of the experience. The peonies know how to do it. Watch them. They can't do it alone; they do their part and wait. They persevere through April showers and the fiercest wind storms, making it look so easy.

Some people make it look easy too. Can we be sure that they would describe their experience as easy? Maybe it's their focus that makes it look easy. Animal, vegetable, or mineral, there's always a purpose. Steadfast attention to one's life purpose brings order and perspective to everything else. Simple is not easy, but it does have a way of being uncomplicated.

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