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Conscious Wellness and the evolution of our full potential.

Conscious evolution begins when we see the world as a mirror of our inner state of awareness. Inner conflict originates from our dependence on the outside world for validation, happiness, and Love. Mainstream thinking, acting, and conveniences are distractions, taking us further from our true selves. When mainstream wellness has us trying to meet a certain standard of lab results without investigating why the results are, it's time to take a step back and rethink our approach. It's scary to hear that you are out of range from the norm regarding lab results. Even for those of us who welcome being considered "out of the standard, or the 1%."

It isn't all that convenient to tend to Body/Mind Wellness in an era of conveniences, but it is essential. Someone invested in true Wellness wants to get to the bottom of the situation and rebuild from the ground up. Initially, recognizing how much the Body affects the Mind and vice versa is everything. But, once you make the connection, the effort must follow; This is where the rubber meets the road and the %99 slip back into a life of convenience.

Sometimes we get a little too much reward in the moment of recognition that there is a link between Mind and Body, Body and Mind. When we get the hit, the chemical reaction (dopamine) from the thought, "ah yes, I get it," it's just the beginning. Any small step at that moment will significantly impact your Body/Mind. You have to seize the moment and plan your next act toward re-establishing balance. Start small and keep going every day.

Non-negotiables are extremely important. Depending on your tendencies (think personality and habits), where you've been (experience and how often your Mind likes to revisit the past), and your intention (what is your genuine desire?), you will have to schedule Wellness. Your purpose will have to be bigger than a particular lab result or number on the scale. You have to think of your well-being like doing your daily shower, planning a get-together, attending a birthday party, or a weekend family activity. Small daily contributions and creating healthy regular, non-negotiable habits are the way to support more stability. When there is more stability, there will be more freedom. Strength and discipline first. You will less likely feel thrown for the loop by life's experiences when you feel steady and strong. Your Body/Mind becomes your support system, and you are less likely to feel overwhelmed when you have a surplus.

Did you know addiction blocks the dopamine receptor, making it harder for you to feel good? When we steadily and regularly complete Wellness tasks, we don't only get one neurotransmitter. Through sound nutrition, yoga (fascia) and other exercises, breath training, and other self-care methods, we support the natural and original processes of getting the reward chemical. These actions also support the circulation of serotonin (the mood stabilizer), endorphins(pain reducer), and oxytocin(the love hormone). Thinking about it wastes energy. Make one small action today in the name of Wellness and share it with us. Post it, or respond here. Let's consciously spread Wellness and Love and evolve to our full potential.

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